This will be me and Justin's second New Year's together, and our second one in Tennessee! Last year we went to Gatlinburg with our friends the Lobdell's and this year we're going to....
I haven't been to Nashville since I moved from there in August 2008. Oh how I have missed the beautiful city :) Not that I regret moving home at all by any means, I just didn't realize I would miss Nashville as much as I do. Anyway, the whole reason we're going to Nashville is to ring in the New Year with an exchange of "I Do's" between these two wonderful people...
Lillian and Craig are getting married on January 2, 2010. Justin and I are driving up early on New Year's eve so that we can hang out with my old Nashville roomie, Edria, and another girl I danced with at Alabama, Arrah, and her husband. We will have our child in tow, yes, Rob is coming with us :) Rob's parents live in Nashville, so he figured since we were going down that he'd join in. The very first trip Justin and I ever went on together was with Rob and Edria to Gatlinburg. I think about the hilariousness (is that a word?) of that trip and it makes me excited to see what tonight will bring.
As for New Years resolutions...I think I have finally picked mine. I hate resolutions. Most people say things like "workout more" or "take a fun trip". These are things that Justin and I do all the time so it's not something I would ever make my resolution. However, there is one thing I do not do enough that I should do, and that is drink water. I know it seems like a small resolution, but mine is to drink 2-3 bottles of water per day. As of now, I only drink 1 or at most 2 on days that I workout. Maybe if I can actually get use to drinking that much water I can finally start getting off my Diet Mountain Dew :)
Hope everyone has a safe weekend and WONDERFUL start to 2010!!
Jamaica 'Mon!
7 years ago
I think this is a most excellent resolution. Can I steal it?
I've been thinking of your resolution lately because I've been drinking 60+oz of water a day to prep for hot yoga, anyways..
I have a few tips: invest in a water bottle that you can carry to work, gym, etc. and fill it at the water cooler/fountain whenever it's empty.
Add NUUN to your water. It adds flavors and electrolytes. You'd like the lemon-lime flavor. You can find Nuun at most running stores.
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