Tuesday, December 6, 2011

My Big Fat Belly - 37 Weeks

I’m officially full term today.  YAAAAY!!!!  And to celebrate this long awaited for mile mark, Carter decided to start making me contract today.  This morning when I went in to work, I started having some intense contractions that were very close together.  Some were 5 minutes apart, and others were 2 or 3 minutes apart.  Some of the girls I work with were in my office with me when it was all happening.  One of them even kept her hand on my lower abdomen and felt the contractions happening and she was the one that told me I needed to call the nurse.  After about an hour, I finally called the and they told me to come in and get checked.  My 37 week appointment was on Thursday, but since I was already having contractions, they told me to go ahead and head up there and they’d make this appointment my weekly appointment. 

Blood pressure is great.  The nurse even commented that I have had great blood pressure the entire pregnancy.  The highest it got was 120/80 or something like that.  I usually have a low blood pressure anyway.  Belly is still measuring on track and I have FINALLY started progressing!!!  I’m 50% effaced and 1cm dilated.  Doc said it could be as soon as tonight or as long as two weeks from now (which really isn’t that long), but that I shouldn’t be afraid to call next time.  I know people that have stayed 1cm for weeks and I also know people who were only 1cm for a couple of days before their little ones came.  It’s just such a toss up and depends on when Carter is ready.  I’m having issues gaining weight though.  I’ve only gained a pound since week 35, which honestly is ok with me, I just want to make sure he’s growing how he needs to, which he is.  I know he’s already “dropped” because I can FINALLY breathe again and I have also gained my appetite back, but the  downside is that instead of him crushing my lungs and stomach, he’s now laying all 7 pounds of himself on my bladder, which makes me have to pee at least every 30 minutes.  Also several people have told me they think he’s dropped because I’m carrying much lower than I used to.

I asked the doc if it would be okay for me to walk the Jingle Bell Run this weekend.  My firm has had the largest team every year for several years in a row at the 5k.  There’s always a ton of us that do it and Justin and I have done it every single year since I’ve been there.  I was never going to run it, but I did want to walk the 3 miles.  Doc said that wouldn’t be a good idea though, so looks like I’ll be at the finish line taking pictures of all of my fellow employees finishing instead.  I still plan to take walks around our neighborhood with Justin and the Giz several times a week, but that’s only a mile and a half so it’s not as bad.  I want to keep the progression going!! 

37 Weeks

I look like crap in this picture…Justin took it right after we got home from the doctor.  But this is me and Carter at 37 weeks!!


I also had to take a picture of this.  I just got our family stockings monogrammed and this is Carter’s.  It’s in the middle of the fireplace of course.  Justin’s and mine look the same, except Justin’s is Santa Clause and mine is a snowman.  I love them!!

Well hopefully I’ll keep progressing and have this baby in the next week or two!  Say some prayers for us please!!!


Allison said...

I'm so excited for you guys!! I remember being in your position. I walked every day/night either outside or at the Galleria until labor finally got going. I can't wait to come meet Carter!!! We'll be praying for you guys!!

Jenny Strickland said...

YAY for full term! I'm so excited for y'all! Love the stockings!
