Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Why My Husband Rocks

I could probably make a list of a thousand things when asked "Why is your husband a good husband"? But what would probably make the number one spot on that list is that he wants me to be so happy and will do things he doesn't even remotely want to do in order for that to happen. Prime example....our one year anniversary.

Justin and I are reaching our anniversary date of July 25, 2010. On that date, we will have been married for one full year, but I won't talk about that now. I'll make a separate post that weekend to discuss our first year of marriage and our wedding day since I apparently didn't make a post about that (other than showing wedding pics). Anyone who knows us knows how much we LOVE to travel. So naturally, it would make sense that we would go somewhere on our year anniversary. The original plan was to take our trip to the west to climb some mountains (which is actually number 57 on my list of 101 things to do in 1,001 days). We were going to rent a car and drive through Texas, New Mexico, Kansas, and Oklahoma, doing each of those state highpoints along the way.

We had this discussion back in January and decided this was what we wanted to do. Well, around the end of April, I called him one day and asked how many days it would take to do the trip and he told me 5 days total. I didn't tell him what I was doing or why I was asking, but he got curious because he brought it up that night. Later that evening when we were in bed watching the Andy Griffith Show (yes, that is our nightly routine) he asked me why I asked that. I told him that I needed to know so that I could request the days needed off work. He started freaking out. "Why did you do that???" I was so confused. We had already talked about it so why was he getting mad? Finally, he kept saying "you need to cancel that request. We can't take that trip anymore". I got furious. "Excuse me?? You know how badly I wanted to take this trip!!! Why can't we take it anymore?"

After some arguing, he told me that he had other plans for that weekend and had already booked another trip, one which wouldn't require me to take any days off. Basically, he wanted to make sure that if someone at work needed me on a job, that I would be available and if you request off and it's approved, managers will see that and not schedule you on something. So his only purpose in telling me about the new trip was so I could go back to work and cancel my request to be off for two days that week.

Now, I am SOOOOOOOOOOO that person that tries to figure out a surprise before I get it. I am STILL that person at Christmas that rummages through any present with my name on it to try to figure out what I got. Justin knew he was taking a risk when he told me about a trip he had planned for us, but wouldn't tell me what. He had tried this once before when he took me on a secret trip to Maine. It didn't work because he told me months before the trip. Not a good idea honey. I will figure it out when you give me that much time to work with. Because of this, Justin was just going to be waiting for me at the house when I got home from work that Thursday (July 22nd) and tell me to pack my bags and that we were leaving tomorrow for a trip. This would have totally worked because I wouldn't have had enough time to try to figure it out. Of course I wouldn't have slept at all that night either, but whatever.

Because he knew he wouldn't be able to keep it a secret, he told me where I was going. Any guesses???? Those of you that know me....where is my FAVORITE city in the entire world??

If you know me well, you probably guessed it....


Yep, Justin has booked us a romantic getaway trip for the weekend to NEW. YORK. CITY!!!

So why does planning this trip qualify Justin as a "husband who rocks"? Well, NYC may be my favorite city on Earth, but it's Justin's LEAST favorite city. He is a home-grown country boy who loves small town life. He doesn't like a lot of people being around and he doesn't like the quick hustle of the city. Because of this, he truly despises New York. But he knows how much I love it, so he planned our year anniversary romantic getaway for what I would want, not what he wanted. This guy loves climbing mountains more than anything in the world and the fact that he'd give up a chance to climb two major mountains in order for me to have what I want speaks for the kind of person my husband is. Only God knows how much I love that man. He's only been to the city once and didn't have fun then, so I'm hoping he'll have more fun this time with his awesome wife :)

I've been several times, so only going a weekend is fine by me because I've already done pretty much all the "touristy" stuff. So far, we're planning on going to a Yankees game on Friday night. I'm REALLY excited about this. I've been to a Mets game before, but not a Yankees game AND it will be at their brand new stadium!! I'm gonna rack up on some Yankees gear before-hand. Don't worry!


We wanted to try to get tickets to the Statue of Liberty since you can now go up in the crown. You've never been able to do this all the times I've been, so I really want to do this. However, somehow tickets for that weekend are already sold out. I have no idea how that happened. Either way, we're still gonna make our way to Battery Park in hopes that we can buy them there or someone will be selling a pair we can scalp.


P.S. I actually took this picture of the Statue of Liberty the last time I was in New York and you can read about that here.

We're also doing some of the normal tourist things that I could seriously do EVERYTIME I go to New York; Empire State Building, Top of the Rock, Museum of Natural History, cruise of the Harbor, etc. Going to New York again is also on my 101 List, however I didn't think I was going to mark it off until 2011, so I'm really pumped to be able to mark it off next month!! Before we head to New York, we're heading to the wonderful Seattle to see my friend Lauren. I've never been to Seattle before and going there is another thing on my 101 List, but this one was actually planned to be done in 2010 :) We're leaving next Thursday at like 5am. Advil PM will be my friend the night before. We get into Seattle on Thursday around 10:30am and plan to drive north of the city to go to the Boeing plant where they build all the super big planes. SO EXCITED!!! 9 days till Seattle and 46 days till New York!! Have I mentioned how much I love my life?

Because Justin does things like this all the time for me (not necessarily always spending money to travel somewhere to surprise me) I'm making a label for "Why My Husband Rocks". When he does awesome things that make me realize why God put us together, it will be just another part of the Why My Husband Rocks blogs :) Love you babe.

On a totally irrelevant sidenote, today is apparently Follow Me Back Tuesday in the blogging world :)

BWS tips   button

If you're a fellow blogger, click on the picture above and it will take you to the Boobies, Babies, and A Blog where they host Follow Me Back Tuesdays every week. The directions for how it works is in the post. Happy following!


Brenna Langham said...

Go Justin! That is so sweet! You are a lucky girl. I love NYC, too, and I want to make that same kind of trip with Colby one day with just the two of us. He sounds a lot like Justin. He likes the small town feel. I know you can't wait!

Unknown said...

Justin really does rock! I'm so excited for you guys to visit!! Call me soon so we can firm up details.

The Random Blogette said...

Justin does rock! That is so awesome! I wish my hubs could be cool like that! Thanks for stopping by and becoming a new follower! I am definitely following you now!!

Jennifer said...

How exciting! I wish my husband would surprise me with a romantic trip!

Noturavgmom said...
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Noturavgmom said...

Hello!!!! Nice to meet you and congrats on the upcoming anniversary! Forget Elementary, we can be friends now. lol. Its a pleasure to follow you!

TGS said...

Thanks for coming over to my home blog. I appreiate yo stopping in. I love your wedding picture. I love reading about how wives love there hubsters! now following you!

XmasDolly said...

It's so nice that love is so alive for you, and your husband. I'm so tired of hearing about people getting divorced or being cheated on, but life goes on. I'm your latest follower from Follow me back Tuesday. Have a great day!

Carries Rambles said...

What a great husband! (Hey! We my anniversary is July 25th too!)
anyways, following you back from FMBT

Whitney J. said...

Thanks for following me! I am now following you back :)


Unknown said...

It looks like you really lucked out with Justin. He's a keeper for sure.

Thanks for following. I'll be watching your blog to keep up with your life.

♥Yaya's Mommy ♥ said...

HOW SWEET!! It is nice to share your life with someone so amazing. I love waking up thinking. HOW LUCKY AM I. It feels good. :)
I am following you from FMBT. Have a great day.
Thank you for linking up.
Happy Tuesday.Best wishes, Cindi

Erin Wallace said...

Your husband so rocks! I've never been to NYC, and this would thrill me TO NO END! Following you back!

Elsie said...

Following you back. I'd love to go to NYC, but I've never been. =)

Elizabeth said...

So jealous! Always wanted to see the sites of NYC!

Visiting from Follow Me Back Tuesday

You can visit me at


Happy Tuesday!!

Chantele said...

Following you back! :)

Daphne said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! :) I'm completely jealous of all the traveling you and your hubby get to do!!! Have a great night!!

David said...

love your adventures...

followed you through Follow Me Back Tuesday

Anonymous said...

Hey! I'm following you back! I love that wedding picture! So beautiful! Oh and BTW...YANKEES SUCK! LOL I have to say that...what with being a Phillies fan and all! LOL

Oh and I just saw your proposal pic! Super cute!!!


Jen said...

Awe, that is so sweet! My husband's idea of romantic is sweetly whispering "do you wanna go do it?" The two of you look very happy and make a great couple. Happy Anniversary!

Thanks for linking up with Follow Me Back Tuesday! I am following you back. Have a great week!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by! Love your blog. And I love your story! That's so awesome that you guys found your way back to each other after all that time! Ahhh... :)


Adventures said...

I am following you back! Thanks for the follow! I am too from alabama!


Andrea said...

Hi there! I am following you back:-)

star said...

Lucky you! I love NYC too! I can't wait to go! I found your blog through 20sb and I am now following you!

Unknown said...

Awe that makes me miss my brother!! He lives in NYC!! Thanks for the follow, and I'm following you back!!

Cute blog!!!!!!!!!!

Anna said...

So exciting that your husband is planning a trip for you. That is so sweet! My 4 year anniversary is also in July. I better ask my hubby what we are doing:) Happy Anniversary!
