We interrupt the Africa posts to knock something off of the 101 List! #64 on my list of 101 things to do in 1,001 days was to replace all the appliances in the kitchen with stainless steel appliances. Today when I was at work, Justin called me and said that Lowe's was having a deal on their appliances for the holiday weekend. Turns out, everyone was having the same deal. So after going to Lowe's, Home Depot and Sears, he finally bought one from HHGregg. I didn't think I was going to come home from work to a new refrigerator when I woke up this morning, but for some reason, Justin really wanted one. He wouldn't even wait to have them deliver it for free tomorrow. He wanted it today! So he called Yarbrough to come help him pick it up and get it set up. So now we have a stainless steel sink, dishwasher, stove, microwave and refrigerator. YAY!!
This is what our kitchen looks like now:
I thought I had a picture of what it use to look like, but I can't find it. Basically, all of our appliances used to be white and the countertops used to be blue, if you can imagine that! And please excuse the mess. I had no idea I was getting a new appliance today. Here's some pics of the new fridge:
Love the pull-out freezer door!
Jamaica 'Mon!
7 years ago
Doesn't it just make you feel great when you get something new like that? Glad you knocked it off your list!
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