Monday, February 4, 2013

First Bubble Bath

Last night Justin decided it would be a good idea to try out a bubble bath for Carter to see if he’d like it or not.  I thought it would be a good idea so I got the “Mr. Bubble” bubble soap from my bathroom (yes, this is what I use when I have bubble baths…I couldn’t find anything else at Publix!!) and brought it to Carter’s.  I think I definitely overestimated how much liquid to use because there were WAY too many bubbles.  Noted for next time.

He didn’t really have a strong reaction one way or the other.  I could tell he was confused as to why he couldn’t see his toys in the tub as good as he usually could (they were covered with bubbles).  And then he would just stare at the bubbles on his hand as if he was in deep concentration trying to figure out what it was.  Naturally, as I’m sure most kids do their first time in bubble baths, he tried to eat the bubbles.  Pretty sure he was able to get some in his mouth before I could get his hand out!


Isn’t he so cute??!?!?!  Okay, I know I’m a little bias.

Justin took a video with my phone to see his reaction:

I just love my little Boo :)


Fiona said...

He is so sinking adorable!!! :) I've only tried a tiny bit of bubbles with Alidia so far but will try with more soon!

stephanie said...

i'm not biased and i say he's adorable ;)

Crissa Pollmann Robertson said...

How cute! My son loves bubble baths too. I love all the little toys you have for him. My guy only has of them is a toy from Sonic ha ha I am a boring bath mom.

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