Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Big Reveal

On Sunday, July 31st, we had a gender reveal party for our family and closest friends to reveal the sex of little Won Ton.  They all thought we found out the sex at our appointment on Friday, we were the only ones, other than the baker, that knew we didn’t find out.  I wanted to wait until the party to share this information because I thought it would be funny to see the looks on people’s faces. 

Debbie’s was PRICELESS (MIL).  Right when we were about to cut the cake, Justin whispered over to her “you ready for the surprise?”.  She immediately went into over-thinking mode, assuming it could have been twins and we didn’t tell anyone.  Actually, when we announced that we had a surprise twist, that’s pretty much what everyone thought.  I had to quickly say that twins was NOT the surprise twist to calm everyone’s nerves, particularly our families.  I think my in-laws were relieved, since Justin’s sister is currently pregnant with twin girls due in September.  I think going from zero babies in the family to four in less than six months might be a little much for us to handle ;)


Our gender neutral cake!  My friend from high school, Jackie Marchant, was the baker.  Look her up on facebook if you need a cake made!  She lives in Trussville so we went to her house to pick up the cake before the party and it was REALLY hard not to poke a finger in it to see what the color of the inside was!


Mom and Dad…wow…that’s weird to say.


Our parents.  Justin’s parents on the left and my mom and step-dad on the right


For some reason, I was SO nervous to cut into the cake!  I knew it was a boy for 19 weeks now and was so scared that it may be a girl, not because I don’t want one, I do, especially after the boy so I can have one of both, but more because I had the gut feeling the entire pregnancy that it was a boy, even though everyone else thought it was a girl.  I would have hated to see my own motherly instinct not be right!


I loved seeing everyone’s faces when I cut into the cake and saw that it was a boy.  Everyone seemed so happy, even though most of them thought it was a girl ;)




We were so excited!  Justin thought it was a girl the entire pregnancy up until Friday.  When he was looking at the screen at the ultrasound, he said he thought he saw a penis, but wasn’t sure.   So by Sunday, he was expecting it to be a boy.  I also thought I saw a penis at the ultrasound, but I wasn’t shocked because I thought it was a boy all along!


Anderson and Lydia.  You can tell what each of them thought it was by looking at their clothing.  I was afraid Lydia would be upset it was a boy because she has told her momma numerous times that it was a girl and has even got pretty defensive of her assumption.


We finally got to look at the ultrasound pictures too!  When we gave the baker the sealed envelope that the tech wrote “BOY” on, we also gave her a second sealed envelope with the ultrasound pictures and dvd so that we wouldn’t be tempted to cheat between Friday and Sunday.


My other sister, Jennifer, lives in Tampa, but we were able to skype with her so she could see that she was going to have another nephew!!  Jen actually had my nephew, Cooper, just a couple of weeks ago. 


The picture on the left is of the frame that our friend Jackie, the baker, gave us.  She found a “boy” picture frame and framed the paper that the tech wrote “boy” on.  Such a cute idea.  This will go in his nursery for sure!  The picture on the right is of a bib and cloth that my MIL bought for me.  She didn’t know it was a boy, so she bought a boy and girl present.  She ended up giving the girl present to Jen since she’s having twin girls.  Another one of my friends, Shelly, was so sure it was a girl that she bought some girl clothes.  She also gave those to my sister-in-law :)  Thanks for the thought though Shelly!  Only jeeps and Tonka trucks from now on :)


This is the sister-in-law that is having twins that I keep referring to.  I also went to high school with Jen and we were both on Hoover High’s dance team, but never at the same time.  She was graduating when I was a sophomore (Sophomore was the first year you could be on the Varsity team).


I must say though, this may have been my favorite part of the party.  This is Justin’s dad and he’s giving me a hug because we told him that our little boy’s middle name will be Gordon, which is his name.  He was totally not expecting it.  Justin and I decided that our boy’s middle name would be Gordon LONG before we ever got pregnant, but we never told him that.  I wanted it to be a surprise.  He was so happy!

If you’d like to see the big moment yourself, check out the video below that my brother-in-law filmed:

