Ok this was done a a few months ago, which is probably a few months later than it should have been done, but I'm just now getting around to crossing it off the list. Number 31 on my list of 101 things to do in 1,001 days was to make a scrapbook. Apparently making a scrapbook with paper and scissors and borders and cutouts was "so 2008". Now they have invented Shutterfly. It makes scrapbooking so much easier for those of us that lack creativity :)
Funny story behind my scrapbook. I had a book made for my mom of wedding pictures as her Christmas present because she didn't order an album from my photographer. When the book came in the picture on the front was slightly crooked. Me being the way too detailed and picky accountant that I am, I noticed it immediately and called to have them send another one. Question. Why do American companies insist on their customer service departments being comprised of all foreign employees that can barely speak English?? Needless to say, after a lot of arguing they gave me a free album on my account for me to order a duplicate. After some thinking, I decided not to order another one because in all honesty, no one else noticed the picture on the cover was crooked. So instead of spending all that free dough on ordering another one, I used it in making me and Justin's honeymoon album. Behold, a few pages of our honeymoon album....
Marking this off my list puts me at marking off 33 items, which is about 1/3 of the list. I started in May 2009, so that gives me to about February 2012. Being 1/3 of the way there is pretty darn good! Though, as Justin and I have pretty much planned our trips (I should say rearranged actually), I know that there are many things on that list that I will not be able to knock off by February 2012. But instead of being defeated by the list, I will keep working towards completing it. I may not be able to knock it all out by the deadline, but I'm going to keep going until I get them all done.
As I said in an earlier post, Justin and I had originally planned five trips in 2010. The biggest of these was our trip to climbing Half Dome in Yosemite. Well, we made a decision while in Nashville for New Years. We decided to push all of our trips from 2010 back to 2011. The reason we decided to do this is because we had one trip planned in 2011 that we just can't wait that long to do, so we moved it to 2010. You may think it's strange for us to know what trip we wanted to take in 2011 already, but it's actually not considering that it would take us almost an entire year to save up for it. We have pushed our Kilimanjaro trip up to December 2010. The only trip originally planned in 2010 that we will still be going on is our trip to Seattle. It's already going to be hard to go almost a whole year without taking trips, so I absolutely had to do at least one. So I'm keeping that one :)
Justin and I will be leaving for Africa via Amsterdam on December 18, 2010 and returning January 2, 2011. Yes, you saw that right. That means we will be in Africa on Christmas Day and New Years. We wouldn't have it any other way! Justin and I are seriously one in the same. We both get way too excited about things and plan them way far in advance :) More updates to come on Africa!!
Jamaica 'Mon!
7 years ago
That will be the trip of a lifetime! Will you be my vacation budget planner??
Also, I'm not sure if ordering a scrapbook is the same as making one, but hey it's not my list! ;)
Love you!
Well technically you still have to "make it" online...and it took me FOREVER to pick out backgrounds that matched the pictures and the right layouts and all that kind of crap...so I'm going with YES, IT COUNTS!!!
Love you more ;)
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