Thursday, February 19, 2009

Mercedes Marathon

Work is getting crazy busy for me since I'm now working 60 hour weeks so I'll do my best to update the blog, but I'm definitely running low on free time these days so forgive me! Justin, Bonnie and Abby ran the Mercedes half-marathon last weekend and my friend Margaret and I woke up at the crack of dawn to make sure that we could hit certain spots to see them while running. We first went to B&A Warehouse where the 3.5 mile marker was (and is also the site of our wedding reception) and then went to Starbucks in Five Points where the 7.5 mile marker was and finally met them at the finish line by the Boutwell Auditorium.

I wasn't able to take many pictures, but here's some that I did take:

This is Justin coming through B&A at 3.5 miles

Abby and Bonnie getting to B&A

That would be Bonnie's "I can't believe you idiots convinced me to do this" face!

Justin rounding the corner at 5 Points at 7.5 miles

Abby still in a fabulously good mood after stopping at 5 points for a water break

My baby crossing the finish line in 1 hour 53 minutes!

Me and my future hubby

For those of you that don't know, I was training for this race but stopped my training in November. The main reason I stopped training is because I was being a little too hard on myself when making my training schedules and I was doing long runs all the time as opposed to once a week (which is suggested by trainers) and I ended up gaining a ton of muscle in my legs, causing me to gain weight and I wasn't ok with that. On top of that, daylight savings kicked in to where it was dark at like 5:30 so I was never able to run outside during the week because it was always dark and finally, my busy season started in January and I wouldn't have had any free time to train the last 6 weeks before the race.

I've accepted that I'll never do the Mercedes Marathon, mainly because of the timing, but after seeing those three finish the race, it got me craving to do one so badly. So Justin and I found two that we are contemplating between to run. One is the Virginia Beach half-marathon in September. The timing would be perfect for training and it's at the beach...always a plus :) The other one is Nashville's Music City Marathon in October. We'll do one of those, we just haven't decided which one yet.

Prayer Requests for today:

1) Justin, Sam and Yarbrough - The boys have traveled to Wisconsin this weekend to do some ice fishing. Please pray that nothing happens to them while they're there or on the flights coming back.

2) Susan and Todd Carroll - My step-brother and his wife Susan have a brand new baby, as of TODAY, named Bastion. Please pray that they step into their new parent roles with strength.

