Sunday, January 4, 2015

Carter’s Third Birthday Party


As you can see, I’m trying to catch up on blogposts today.  Justin is at church with Carter while I’m at home with Garrett (momma didn’t sleep well last night and didn’t quite feel like going to church today).  So anyway, Carter turned three years old on December 28th.  His birthday party was on Saturday the 27th at a place called Pump It Up.  It’s basically a warehouse full of bouncy houses for kids to jump around.  Carter LOVES  bouncy house so I knew this was going to be the perfect place for his birthday party.  When you have a party there, you have the entire place rented out for two hours.  You start in one room that has a few bouncy houses/slides and stay there for about 45 minutes, then you go to another room of other bouncy houses/slides for another 45 minutes or so.  Then you go to the party room where you cut the cake and open presents.  I cannot begin to express how much fun that Carter had at this place!  It was the perfect place!!!  The only bad thing was that a bunch of his friends couldn’t come.  It’s the downside of having a birthday so close to Christmas.  Lots of his friends were out of town visiting family.  On top of that, there’s an insane flu epidemic and I got several responses from parents who had the flu or whose kids were sick and didn’t want them being around other kids to get them sick.  He still had a good turnout, I was just sad that a lot of his friends weren’t able to make it.

Here’s a few pictures from the day:


This was the first room.  I know….Heaven for a three year old!


One of Carter’s classmates, Anika.


Our friends two boys, Vaughn and Fisher.


Sweet Mary and James, who wasn’t quite old enough to slide down the big slides.


Clearly Carter and his cousin Celia are having a BLAST.


One of the slides was so tall and climbing this thing to get to the top of it was pretty difficult, even for me!  I can only imagine it was like Mount Everest to a three year old!


This may have been a record for the longest Garrett had been awake.  He was awake in my mom’s arms the ENTIRE party.  I don’t think he’s ever stayed awake that long!


Some of my favorite mommas!

And here’s several “in action” shots using the slide…forgive the fact that a lot of these are blurry because it’s impossible to get a good picture when kids and adults go that fast down a slide!

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These two LOVE each other!!!  And apparently they both say “cheese” by grinding their teeth together!!

IMG_8584 IMG_8630 IMG_8612 

All the kids had a blast and I found a new place to take Carter that’s not the Zoo or the McWane Center or the park.  He’ll love coming to open play at Pump It Up!!!  Happy Birthday my sweet baby!!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh my! That place does look a lot like how heaven would be for a three year old. Hahaha! I'm sure the kids had a hard time saying goodbye to that sanctuary. The parents even look like they enjoyed themselves as well. Well, I do hope you get to enjoy more precious moments like that. Thanks for sharing that, Marcie! Happy birthday to Carter! :)

Kathrin Trujillo @ Slides A Lot

zerry ht said...

Wow! What a beautiful place! Yeah you are right that kids had a tough time when leaving these bouncy houses. So, how much you guys spent on this place? Do you know this kind of space Miami events for kid’s fun activities?
