Andrew Fisher Morris (he'll be called Fisher) was born on 9/17/10 weighing in at 8 lbs. 7 oz. There's no relation by the way. I have to say that because their last name is Morris, but they're just really good friends of ours. Sam went to high school with Justin and I and I met Shelly when me and Justin started dating. Fisher has a big brother, Vaughn, who is 2 years old. Shelly said that she was getting Vaughn ready for school on Friday morning and Vaughn and mom and dad all got in the car to take him to school when Shelly said she couldn't wait and that she was in too much pain to wait the 10 minutes to take Vaughn to school and then go to the hospital so she asked Sam to drop her off before taking Vaughn to school. Shelly waltzed up into the Women's Center at Shelby Baptist and the nurses were like "you're by yourself??? Did you drive yourself??".
Fisher is the most adorable little baby ever! Justin and I got to go up to the hospital on Friday night to visit the little guy and spend some time with the second time mommy and daddy. Here's some of the pics I got of the day:
All the boys! What's funny is that everyone in this picture is a Morris except for Rob!
Sorry this one is a little blurry, but it's the only one I got of me and V-man.
The next day, they didn't get a whole lot of visitors because a lot of their friends went to the Auburn game. I was going to go with Justin, but I decided against it and let Rob take my place. So instead, I went up to the hospital again and hung out with all the Morris' for about 3 hours. Fisher slept most of the time we were there Friday night and on Saturday he was sleeping some more, but I did get to see him open his beautiful eyes and he even cried for about 3 minutes of the 3 hours I was there. He's such a good boy! Congrats to Sam and Shelly for another healthly baby boy in the family!
Jamaica 'Mon!
7 years ago
How cute is the name Fisher?! Congrats to Sam and Shelly!
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