No fun pictures in this one, but it is a big one folks! I have FINALLY finished P90X. Completing the 3 month program was number 28 on my list of 101 things to do in 1,001 days. I finished it this past Sunday. It actually took me a little longer than 3 months to do it though. Justin and I kept going out of town for long weekends so instead of skipping the workouts that were scheduled on that day, I just picked back up with where I left off whenever I got back. This allowed me to do every workout that was scheduled, it just took me a little longer to do it.
I have had numerous people ask me in person, email, or on facebook how I like P90X. I absolutely LOVE IT!!! I will say it is not for someone who has zero athletic ability though. You have to be relatively in shape to be able to do these workouts. And they are VERY intense. I burned roughly 600 calories a day doing these workouts. Another question I get a lot is "did you lose a lot of weight? Will I lose weight if I do it?". My answer to this question depends. I initially lost weight because I was losing the fat, but I was also gaining muscle in parts of my body that I don't normally workout, so I also gained a little. Overall, I lost about 5 pounds, but I can see a HUGE difference when I look at myself. The more athletic you already are pre-P90X, the less weight you'll lose because you probably have less fat on you than the average person.
I didn't take pictures like it tells you to, but I didn't need to. I see the biggest difference in my arms, abs, and legs. That sounds like the whole body, so I guess it's safe to say it changed everywhere! I totally plan on doing this program again, just not right now and maybe not every single day like you're supposed to according to the schedules. I can see myself using this program to get back in shape after Justin and I have our first kid. A lot of the people that were asking me if they should use P90X were actually women that are pregnant and want to use it to get back in shape. Of course I suggest it since that's my plan :)
Naturally, Justin and I aren't good at sitting around doing nothing, so we're both training for something right now. We're running the half-marathon at St. George Island on October 23, 2010, but because Justin became infatuated with triathalons after completing his first one (click here to see that post), he has signed up to do one in Arkansas in August before the half-marathon. I have a running schedule that I've already started and will be mixing in some P90X workouts in there, just so I don't lose what took me so long to get. After the half-marathon, we'll be focusing on training for Africa, which means LOTS AND LOTS of hours on the stairclimber :)
Jamaica 'Mon!
7 years ago
Way to go! I forgot to tell you in your 4th of July post - YOU'RE ABS LOOK FABULOUS!!!!
Maybe I'll try P90X in the late winter early spring to get ready for bathing suit season!
Congrats! That's a big accomplishment!
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