Friday, July 26, 2013

#29 and #43 - CHECK!

Yay for marking more off my list!!  Number 29 on my list of 101 things to do in 1,001 days was to complete P90X again.  This was my third time doing the program.   The first time was several years ago when we lived in our old house.  The second time was when I was trying to get back in shape after having Carter.  I started it when he was maybe 5 or 6 weeks old (end of February 2o12).  I went back to work when he was 11 weeks old and did my best to keep up with the routine, but I was back to working 40 hours a week with a husband that was out of town a ton, so I just didn’t have the time to finish it the 2nd time.  The third time was in March 2013 and I finished it in the beginning of July (marking it off the list kind of late, I know).  No fun pictures to go with that one though, sorry.

Number 43 was to have Carter’s 1 year pictures taken.  Yes, Carter is 18 months old.  We ended up not doing 1 year pictures and I was ok with that.  I had a photographer come to his first birthday party to snap pictures of the party so that I wouldn’t have to worry about it and could focus on actually enjoying celebrating his first year of life.  So anyway, since we had those photos from his birthday party, I didn’t really feel the need to do one year photos.  So instead, we did 18 month photos!

I used Volree Wade Photography (same girl that took Carter’s birthday party pictures, see those here).  I went to high school and to church with Volree so I know her and her family relatively well.  She unfortunately moved to North Carolina so she had to come back to take his pictures.  It wasn’t a huge inconvenience for her though, she still has lots of clients here and she just picks a weekend to come back in town and books sessions with her clients then.  So she had several shoots going on the same day that we did our photos.

Downside of the day we did pictures-rain.  Birmingham received 6 straight days of rain that week and the day we planned pictures was during those 6 days.  We had planned, for those of you that know the Birmingham area, to get pictures done outside at Samford University, but the bottom dropped out and the rain was too bad so we headed downtown to Volree’s studio and did studio pictures.  Volree had TONS of interesting props…tons that Carter was completely interested in and wanted to play with.  We would try to get a picture of him using a certain chair and he would sit in the chair for about 30 seconds, but then he saw another chair hanging from the wall and wanted to sit on that chair.  This went on for the entire shoot.  And I thought a newborn session was bad….when they grow up, you have to chase them around!  When they’re babies, they just lay there!  Huge difference!

Regardless, Volree got a bunch of great pictures that we love and will cherish forever.  I love this age.  I mean, LOVE this age.  Carter’s personality is so vivid and he shows it through the pictures pretty well.  Here’s a few of my favorites:

morris-3 morris-5 morris-7

That one on the right is a face I get from him all the time.  It usually comes when he’s done something bad, but thinks it’s funny.  Mischievous little devil!




This one just cracks me up!  It’s like he’s doing a tiger face or something!!! morris-16 morris-18

This picture probably describes him the best!  Kid LOVES to be upside down and thrown around!

 morris-20 morris-21

Those blue eyes!!!!  Be still my heart!


Allison said...

I love his pictures! Especially the one of him upside down! :)

Laura Sue said...

oh I could scream, I LOVE all of these!!!

Mrs. K said...

Adorable! They turned out beautifully. =)

Stephanie said...

These are great, and I love your outfit!

Fiona said...

Wow, I love these photos... especially that upside down one!! Perfect :)

Melanie said...

Love the photos Marcie! Carter is precious. I agree - I think you have to space the pictures out to capture certain milestones instead of ages. Glad you captured this time. Reading your blog helps me know what to look forward too in the next year with Emma (even though there will be differences with a girl). Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

These turned out so cute!
