Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Miscellaneous Things…

It’s been a while since I’ve had time to sit down and write a blog!  I’ve just been so so busy lately!! 

I did Carter’s 16 month update, but there were no pictures in it at all, so here’s a few Carter pictures and new videos for you!


Last week at school, they had “water day”.  They took a bunch of those fun water tables you can buy at any baby store and put them outside.  All of the kids played outside most of the day that day.  I made sure to put lots of sunscreen and bug spray on our little one and even put a hat on his head.  Let’s face it, he doesn’t have much hair yet and what he does have is bright blonde so he needed a hat to protect his little noggin :)  How grown up does he look in his Under Armour outfit and Old Navy hat?!?!


Carterman loves his doggy.  As I’ve mentioned before, our dog’s name is Gizmo, however, Carter calls her “good girl”.  All because he heard Justin call Gizmo “good girl” one day for doing something good.  And now her name is forever changed.  Justin and I both even call her “good girl” now.  Bless this dog y’all.  She just takes a beating from our kid.  She lets him roll all over her, step on her feet, pull her tail, etc.  We always stop him when we see him do it though.  But deep down, I think Giz likes the attention.


With such nice weather lately, we decided to take a golf cart (or as Carter says “gol car”) ride over to the playground.  Carter is loving playing on slides.  He used to love the swings, and he does still like the swings, but he doesn’t like being on them for long.  He’d rather walk around and play with other things.  But he is beginning to LOVE the slide.  As soon as he’s at the bottom, he turns around and tries to walk back up the slide.  He doesn’t quite understand that gravity won’t work in his favor if he does that!

On Saturday night, we went to a crawfish boil (the THIRD weekend in a row that we went to a crawfish boil….tis the season I guess).  This one in particular was to raise money for some friends that are moving to Asia for two years to become missionaries.  Carter was having a blast!  There were a bunch of soccer balls, baseballs, basketballs, all kinds of balls for kids to play with.  Balls are Carter’s FAVORITE thing and when he sees one, he just yells “BAAAAWWWWLLLL” (yes, he takes a four letter word and makes it sound like a 20 letter word with the way he annunciates).  He chased and played with balls most of the time.  It did rain pretty hard while we were there, but it was super fast and didn’t last very long.  The tables did get pretty wet though.  I think the water day at school got Carter’s love of water spiked to an all time high.  He just wanted to slap the table and watch the water splash up!


That’s  the face of a kid in pure Heaven!

Then came Sunday, which was Mother’s Day!  My mom was working (she came over to our house earlier in the weekend and I gave her her present) and Justin’s mom was out of town visiting her own mom in Pensacola.  So we had no mothers to celebrate the day with.  So it was just my day :) 

We went to Sunday School and even got to go to the normal church service.  We usually only go to Sunday School because Carter’s nap is right after Sunday School.  But now that he’s pretty much weaned from two naps and is only taking one long nap around 12:30 or 1pm, we can go to both services!  After the service was over I wanted a few pictures with my little one:

photo4 photo5     photo10 

And big props to my baby daddy for the card.  It was one of those cards that you can make handprints on with some stuff that comes with the card.  So sweet of him.  And yes, the card says “Carcar”.  Like I’ve said in previous posts, Carter started saying his name, but it comes out without the “t”, so he says “Carcar”.  I think part of this is because his cousin Cynthia calls him Carcar, which means his teachers at school also call him Carcar…so now everyone just calls him Carcar!!  We realized last week that he actually can say the letter “t”, he just doesn’t when it comes to his own name.  He can say water, but it comes out as “otter”. 

Today was also his last day of school.  Sad :(  He loves school.  But he’ll be back for summer school.  They’re doing a summer program that’s three days a week from 9-1 for three weeks in June so we signed him up for that.  He’ll start that the first week of June.  He’ll also be in the toddler room and around BOYS that are his age or a little older.  I’m sure he may enjoy being around boys for once since his infant class is nothing but girls!

Oh and we took some great videos of Carter lately.  Here’s one of Justin showing Carter how to kick a ball.  The kid loves balls, but he always picks them up with his hands.  He’s never tried to kick one.  So Justin grabbed his hands so that he couldn’t pick it up and showed him how to kick the ball.  So adorable!

And this one is hilarious to me and Justin.  I was giving Carter a bath and was using a yellow cup to wash the shampoo out of his hair.  He turned his face towards me and tried to drink the water from the cup!  I thought that was so funny because he’s never done that before.  Justin came in and started videoing it and I was using water from the spout instead of letting him drink soapy water.  His face when he drank the water was just cracking us up!!!


Allison said...

I love his little alligator outfit! He's so cute! :)

Chelley N said...

He looks super cute in a hat. I love Brenson in a hat too!

Fiona said...

He does look so grown up in that top photo with his baseball cap on!!! Adorable! He really suits him. Love all of the photos. He looks so happy. That video of him in the bath is just adorable! :)
