Tuesday, November 27, 2012

i-Phone Dump

Several updates via the i-Phone:


Carter was picking out what I would wear for Thanksgiving lunch with my side of the family!  In all honestly though, it’s funny because anytime he goes through my closet it’s this sweater he pulls out.  EVERY. TIME.  And I’ve even moved the location of the sweater.  But he keeps finding it!


This is Carter with my aunt Delane in Tuscaloosa.  She was introducing him to their dog.


He was loving it.


Sweet smile :)  And yes, those teeth are getting bigger!!


We decided to take their cart to a little pond in their neighborhood that is usually infested with ducks wanting bread!  I started getting worried about Carter’s foot hanging out of the golf cart because that little white duck kept snapping towards it trying to get the bread.


This mama’s Christmas came early :)


This is Carter with his cousins Anderson and Lydia.  My sister took this with her camera.  She also took the one below of Carter and myself with my grandfather (Carter’s great grandfather).


He’s all about pulling glasses off of your face!


Towards the end of the Iron Bowl, we headed over to our friends Sam and Shelly’s house to grill out and hang out with friends and all the kids.  I had a moment over at their house where it all of a sudden hit me.  When did we get here?  I remember all of us in high school, sneaking out of our parents houses and now here we are, having house parties of our own while there are children running around the house and they are OUR children.  Time flies man.  Anyway, Carter was in a fussy mood that day so I was sure he’d be misbehaving when we got over there, but he was obsessed with Vaughn and Fisher.  He loved watching them play with tractors and other toys. 


Me and Tiff with the boys.  How freaking skinny does Carter look in this picture?!?!?  Interesting because he had just sat in my lap for about an hour and ate about half of a carton of the baby Cheetos.

On the day we got the above washer and dryer, we went to Lowes.  It was Black Friday and it seemed like it was taking FOREVER to get a person to talk to us so we could purchase it.  It was past Carter’s nap time and I still wanted to get lunch so I told Justin to stay to get the washer and dryer and I would leave to get me some drive-thru lunch and take Carter home for a nap.  Before I was even out of the Lowe’s parking lot:


And he’s not even leaning back to relax.  He’s so passed out he’s leaning forward.  He stayed asleep all the way through the drive-thru and to the house where even the car turning off and the opening of his car door didn’t waken him:


He stayed asleep even when I got him out of the car and inside the house:


He even stayed asleep after I took his shoes off, unbuckled the car seat and even pulled his arms through the arm holes in the strap.


He didn’t wake up until I actually picked him up.  PASSED OUT.

To end the post, here’s a video.  It’s of me running in the house with Carter.  He LOVES when you run holding on to him:


Allison said...

He just keeps getting cuter! I loved the video! And YAY for the new washer and dryer! I've been drooling over the red ones!

Val @ It's Always Sunny in Somerville said...

I can't over all Carter's teeth! Claire still doesn't have any...not for lack of teething though!

I have a Samsung HE W/D set too and I LOVE IT! Two tips - leave your washer door open or ajar after a cycle to let it dry out. And, we bought the pedestals b/c we have NO storage in our laundry area. I love having them for storage. HOWEVER, since we bought them, I discovered Pinterest and there are loads of cute DIY ways to build pedestals. They're pricey, so if Justin is handy, I'd have him build you a shelf/storage for your set to sit on!

Anonymous said...

These photos are all so adorable. I especially love the set off photos where he fell asleep... deep deep asleep in his car seat. haha, can't believe he even slept through you taking his shoes off!! Sleepy boy! :)

So jealous of your new washer and dryer. My washer is like the things people used in the 1950s... not even joking.. it is like a hand washer but the washing does spin, however I have to add buckets of water and other nonsense. It sucks!! And we have no dryer. Ugg. This is why I am jealous of your two new beautiful machines!

Also love the video of you two. He looks so happy to be running with you!! :)

PS - Not sure if this is my first time commenting since the change but this is Fiona from Life Amongst The Palm Trees, but my name now shows up as palmtreemama since I switched to wordpress, so if you see this name commenting in future (you will!), it is me! :)
